Wedding Bouquet

Wedding Bouquet

Wedding bouquet is an important and a very fashionable accessory on a wedding day. Flowers play a big role in every happy occasion and celebration. Wedding is no difference. Flowers is a symbolic and beautiful part of the wedding day. On your wedding day the whole reception place is decorated with flowers. The most important of them is the wedding bouquet that you will be holding, while walking down the aisle.  With fresh elegant floras and amazing design a wedding bouquet adds the perfect amount of glam to your wedding day. It also ads that beautiful shape and colour to all of your wedding photographs. The question, however, is how to choose the best kind of bouquet for your wedding.

Choosing a wedding bouquet:

Step 1: THEME

Start with your theme . Do you gave a special theme to the wedding? Is it modern or vintage style? Is it an elegant country wedding or a glamorous ballroom affair? What type of the dress are you planning to wear?

Step 2: COLOUR

The second important element is the colour. What colour are your bridesmaid dresses, your shoes, your accessories. A wedding bouquet can even play a role of “something blue” on a wedding day.

Step 3: FLOWER

Chose your main flower. A lot of flowers have different symbolism behind them. Some flowers can represent the seasons. For example : white plum blossoms represent winter, peach and cherry blossoms represent spring, lotus represents summer, and chrysanthemums the fall. There are many flowers that can be used for the wedding bouquet. You can choose the roses, lilies, orchids, etc. Also there are a wide variety of the supporting flowers which makes the wedding bouquets look even more gorgeous.


Research research research. Browse tons of images in magazines and on-line to get inspirational ideas. Than take them to your florist for him to do his magic.  A great florist  can make your wedding bouquet look like gorgeous art piece. The bouquets in this post are created for real brides by amazing Montreal florists. My favourite are  Alain Simon fleur and W florist.

Wedding bouquet is a very fashionable wedding accessory  Bouquet ideas  How to choose a wedding bouquet Photos by La V image Wedding photographer Montreal Wedding bouquet is a very fashionable wedding accessory  Bouquet ideas  How to choose a wedding bouquet Photos by La V image Wedding photographer Montreal Wedding bouquet is a very fashionable wedding accessory  Bouquet ideas  How to choose a wedding bouquet Photos by La V image Wedding photographer Montreal Wedding bouquet is a very fashionable wedding accessory  Bouquet ideas  How to choose a wedding bouquet Photos by La V image Wedding photographer Montreal